Learn how to attract and find a loving partner with

The Attracting Love Course

A course for anyone who wants an action plan to attract and find their true love

Discover the action plan to to find your loving partner with Attracting Love Course in a proven step-by-step framework that will help you figure out what you want in a loving partner and help you find him or her (without all the fluff and overwhelm!) 

Get instant access to a journal prompt worksheet and 12 videos that will guide you along your journey.

Have you given up on love because…

We all struggle with thoughts on giving up on love and we all have that inner voice in the back of our heads.

That’s your inner critic. It’s NOT you. That’s the good news.

Want to hear the bad news?

It’s not going to go away. Those thoughts will always be there.

It’s up to you to take responsibility and find the courage to take action.

So how can you do that?

By loving yourself unconditionally.

And, by choosing to go all-in for your love life!

It’s easy to stay on the couch and not get out there!

The tough part is to take action by figuring out what you want in a loving partner.

What characteristics are important to you?

Do they need to have a sense of humor? What are your deal breakers?

What are your personal values and beliefs?

What matter’s to you most when it comes to family?

You will learn all about how to define your loving partner and how to create a love contract.

Choose yourself and love. It’s time to get out there!

Does this sound familiar?

You just woke up. Couldn’t get a good night’s sleep.

You feel exhausted, anxious, and reach for your phone to see what other people are up to.

Throughout the day, you tell yourself that you are not good enough because you don’t have a loving partner in your life.

It seems like everyone around you is married, coupled, or happily dating.

Before you know it, it’s time to go to bed.

You keep comparing yourself to everyone else because you don’t feel good enough. At some point, you fall asleep, and the cycle repeats itself.

Hey there, I’m Susie.

I’m a professional marketing strategist and love enthusiast.

In my decades of intense studying an dliving the single life, I developed this course for those of us that believe in love. I incorporated my learnings and my marketing experience in creating this course. I will guide you through a self fulfilling journey on reflection on whatyou really want, what you really need, and most importantly, how to successfully do what seems impossible —> attracting your loving partner.


There are courses about self-love and receiving love, but there is not much on how to attract love.

I wanted a practical approach to actionable steps to take towards finding true love.

That’s why I created this course….to help others and myself!


This course will guide you on your journey to love. For those who want clarity on the characteristics to look for and where to go, this course is for you!

This is not a self-love course or manifesting course. While those are important, this course is more about the actions you can take to move yourself forward.

You will be guided to journal through prompts and exercises along each step of the way.

You will be asked thought provoking questions to incite a reaction and create self-awareness.

This is the first step in understanding what type of relationship you want, who you want it with and what specific characteristics you like in a potential love.


Still not sure…

Check out the course introduction video to learn more. :)

*You will learn new things about yourself and be taking active steps toward becoming emotionally healthy and ready to attract your true love.